Affenpinscher — Black is the most common Affenpinscher coat color. Nicknames Affen Affie Monkey Dog Country of origin Germany Traits Weight 6.5–13.2 … Wikipedia
Affenpinscher — Nombres alternativos Monkey Dog País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Affenpinscher — FCI Standard Nr. 186 Gruppe 2: Pinscher und Schnauzer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Affenpinscher — Un Affenpinsher … Wikipédia en Français
Affenpinscher — Affenpinscher, s. Hund … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
affenpinscher — [äf′ən pin΄shər, af′ən pin΄shər; äf′ən pinchər, af′ ən pin΄chər] n. [Ger, lit., monkey terrier < affe (see APE) + pinscher: see DOBERMAN PINSCHER] any of a breed of small dogs, with a stiff, wiry coat of black, red, or gray and facial features … English World dictionary
affenpinscher — /af euhn pin sheuhr/, n. one of a breed of toy dogs having a dense, wiry, red or gray coat with tufts of hair around the eyes, nose, and chin, cropped ears, and a docked tail. Also called monkey pinscher, monkey dog. [1900 05; < G, equiv. to… … Universalium
affenpinscher — noun Etymology: German, from Affe ape + Pinscher, a breed of hunting dog Date: 1903 any of a breed of toy dogs with a wiry black, red, tan, or gray coat, erect ears, large round eyes, and bushy eyebrows, chin tuft, and mustache … New Collegiate Dictionary
Affenpinscher — noun A breed of toy dog bred in Western Europe … Wiktionary
affenpinscher — I Raza robusta de perro miniatura, conocida desde el s. XVII. Mide hasta 26 cm (10 pulg.) de alzada y pesa 3–3,5 kg (7–8 lb.); es parecido a un terrier de orejas pequeñas y erectas, ojos redondos de color negro y cola corta desmochada. Su pelaje… … Enciclopedia Universal